AVHSC has committee positions open for the 2022-2023 School year
We are looking for awesome volunteers to chair some events/programs, including Yearbook and Hospitality.
Interested? Let us know - we would love to talk to you!
Please contact:
Lauren Jewell - [email protected]
Interested? Let us know - we would love to talk to you!
Please contact:
Lauren Jewell - [email protected]
➢ President: Preside at all meetings of the AVHSC and of the Executive Board and be a member ex officio of all committees; attend all Union School District Board Meetings or designate another AVHSC Board member to attend; set and publish the agenda for every meeting of the Executive Board.
➢ Vice President: Act as aide to the President; in the absence of the President, assume the President’s duties; chair the Grant Committee.
➢ Treasurer/Co-Treasurer: Receive and deposit all monies for AVHSC; keep a record of all receipts and disbursements; present a statement of account at every regular business meeting; make a full annual report to the membership at the first general membership meeting.
➢ Vice President of Fundraising: Oversee and coordinate the efforts of the various internal (Walk a Thon, Auction, Fantasy Faire, Book Faire) and external (Sponsorships, Company Matching, eScrip, Box Tops, etc.) fundraising committees; act as liaisons between the Executive Board and the various fundraising committees.
➢ Vice President of Enrichment: Oversee and coordinate the efforts of the various student enrichment programs, such as Art Vistas, Clay, Cornerstone, SPARK PE, Mileage Club, etc.; acts as a liaison between the Executive Board and the various enrichment committees; and the liaison for the Room Parent Coordinator.
➢ Recording Secretary: Keep an accurate record of proceedings of the Executive Board and the General Membership; be prepared to refer to the minutes of any previous meeting; publish meeting agendas, meeting minutes and treasurer’s reports.
➢ Corresponding Secretary: Conduct all necessary correspondence of AVHSC and be responsible for sending out notices to the General Membership via email, AVHSC web page updates, and social media.
➢ Auditor/Co-Auditor: Audit the books of AVHSC semi-annually and render a written report to AVHSC by the first Executive Board meeting of the next school year; conduct a semi-annual audit prior to the February Board meeting.
➢ Historian: Assemble and preserve a record of AVHSC activities and achievements; ensure that pertinent records are preserved on a Cloud based storage system; regularly update the marquis outside the school.
➢ Director of Membership: Conduct the annual membership donation drive; maintain a roster of membership and publish a membership directory annually; report membership information to the Executive Board.
➢ Vice President: Act as aide to the President; in the absence of the President, assume the President’s duties; chair the Grant Committee.
➢ Treasurer/Co-Treasurer: Receive and deposit all monies for AVHSC; keep a record of all receipts and disbursements; present a statement of account at every regular business meeting; make a full annual report to the membership at the first general membership meeting.
➢ Vice President of Fundraising: Oversee and coordinate the efforts of the various internal (Walk a Thon, Auction, Fantasy Faire, Book Faire) and external (Sponsorships, Company Matching, eScrip, Box Tops, etc.) fundraising committees; act as liaisons between the Executive Board and the various fundraising committees.
➢ Vice President of Enrichment: Oversee and coordinate the efforts of the various student enrichment programs, such as Art Vistas, Clay, Cornerstone, SPARK PE, Mileage Club, etc.; acts as a liaison between the Executive Board and the various enrichment committees; and the liaison for the Room Parent Coordinator.
➢ Recording Secretary: Keep an accurate record of proceedings of the Executive Board and the General Membership; be prepared to refer to the minutes of any previous meeting; publish meeting agendas, meeting minutes and treasurer’s reports.
➢ Corresponding Secretary: Conduct all necessary correspondence of AVHSC and be responsible for sending out notices to the General Membership via email, AVHSC web page updates, and social media.
➢ Auditor/Co-Auditor: Audit the books of AVHSC semi-annually and render a written report to AVHSC by the first Executive Board meeting of the next school year; conduct a semi-annual audit prior to the February Board meeting.
➢ Historian: Assemble and preserve a record of AVHSC activities and achievements; ensure that pertinent records are preserved on a Cloud based storage system; regularly update the marquis outside the school.
➢ Director of Membership: Conduct the annual membership donation drive; maintain a roster of membership and publish a membership directory annually; report membership information to the Executive Board.